We assume that the customer earns from $d$ units of demands, where is an increasing and concave function of . Let denote the energy consumption of operator if it gives units of resource to the customer and denotes the cost which operator should pay for each unit of energy. Usually, is a convex function [Enhanced intel speed step technology for the intel pentium m processor. Intel White Paper 201170-001, 2004.].

Now, the customer’s utility is:

if the operator charges a fee for each unit of demands. And the operator’s utility is:

Lemma 1:

When the operator announces a higher price, there will be less demand sent into the network.

Proof: From , we know

substitute $pd$ in (2) with (3), there is

which is a concave function of . On the other hand, taking derivation on both sides of (3) with respect to , we know

That is


for some . For is a concave function, there must be , so that and is a decreasing function of . █

###Lemma 2: The demand quantity is a concave function of price of each unit resource, if and only if .

Proof: Take derivation on both sides of (5) with respect to , we can get

That is to say

From (5), we know

so that

Since and , ${d’’}<0$ iff . █

Proposition 1:

If the price announced in Subnetwork 1 is , the price announced in Subnetwork 2 should be in , where is the strongest Qos requirement in Subnetwork 1 which can be calculated by solving , and is determined by the strongest Qos requirement may exist in the network.

Proof: If , since all the demands whose Qos requirement is in are sent into Subnetwork 1, the weakest QoS requirement in Subnetwork 2 will be , and the strongest QoS requirement in Subnetwork 2 is determined by solving The operator can charge

for its resource. If the operator simply announces the resource price as in Subnetwork 2, the demand sent into Subnetwork 2 will not change (i.e. the energy consumption does not change) but it will charge

for requested resource, which is larger than it announce a price in . █