
  • UID

    Read UID. It is of the user/process that created THIS process. It can be changed only if the running process has EUID=0.

  • EUID

    Effective UID. It is used to evaluate privileges of the process to perform a particular action. EUID can be change either to RUID, or SUID if EUID!=0. If EUID=0, it can be changed to anything.

  • SUID

    If the binary image file, that was launched has a Set-UID bit on, SUID will be the UID of the owner of the file. Otherwise, SUID will be the RUID.

      $ ls -l shadow
      -rw-r----- 1 root shadow 978 2009-02-22 21:25 shadow
       ls -l passwd
      -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 32988 2008-06-10 02:10 passwd

setuid,setgid,sticky的八进制位分别是4, 2, 1,助记法表示为u+s,g+s,o+t,(删除标记位是u-s,g-s,o-t)。

可以用 ls -l 来查看权限. 如果有这些标志, 则会在原来的执行标志位置上显示. 如

rwsrw-r--       表示有setuid标志 
rwxrwsrw-       表示有setgid标志 
rwxrw-rwt       表示有sticky标志